24 kt, beauty, bronzer, creamy, gold, Makeup, makeup products, pink, self tanning

Product Of The Month!

Now when i say this stuff is GOLD, i mean it makes you look like your cheekbones have been dusted in 24 kt flakes! Picks up light even if you’re in a very dim/dark room, and one of the best parts; it has ACTUAL gold flake in it! Talk about pampering yourself. Take a look at the ingredients if you have trouble believing. Now that you know the secret ingredient, you may be saying, “Well that’s luxurious and great, but how am i supposed to afford something like that?” Well, now i get to blow your mind again. How does about $8.00 for a nice tall bottle that should last the average makeup junkie a couple months or more? Walmart carries this wonderful new hard candy product in quite a few different shades of gold/bronze & champagney pinks. Bronze shades are versatile enough to be used as a cream bronzer on your cheeks or a face & body self bronzing/tanning cream, Pink shades make for a beautiful cream blush. Head over there and pick one up for yourself!
