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3 Blog Awards, 1 Challenge, and a Detox Water Recipe! πŸ’•

Hi all! I realized that my nominations etc. have been piling up so i figured it was time for one of those posts! This will be a lot of Q & A, please do continue if you’d like to know more about me! 😁 I will be nominating 2 people per award, that i truly believe deserve it! πŸ’– Please do not feel obligated to participate though, this is all for fun. If i have left anyone out at all, please let me know asap so i can add you into my post. So let’s get right into it! The detox recipe will be at the very end if you’d like to skip to it…

First up i was nominated to do the 3 Day Quote Challenge by my sweetheartΒ bittersweetxbeauty! Please do check out her wonderful blog! Love you girl! 😘 I haven’t done this before so i’m excited about it!


Next up, i was nominated for the Beauty Blogger Award by the sweet & beautiful heyehren! πŸ’• Click on her name to go check out her awesome blog! You will love it! I wanted to quickly say thank you for all your guys support and being followers of mine i truly appreciate people like you… πŸ’–

The Rules:

1. Tag the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer the questions you were given.

3. Nominate some people whose blog is about beauty or fashion.

4. Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Inform the blogger you chose that you nominated them.

Here are her questions for me:

What is your go to nail polish color?

I have really been into dusty rose/mauve colors, and all shades of nudes. πŸ’…

In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?

I honestly love MAC, i know it’s a typical answer, but hey! I also really love ColourPop. πŸ’•

Neutral colors or bright?

Always bright.

If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?

I wouldn’t change much, besides my job. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ Maybe buy a house instead of renting LOL.

What is your ultimate wish?

My ultimate wish is to be truly happy, but of course that is something that needs to be worked on endlessly.

Eyebrows on fleek or highlight on fleek?

EYELINER on fleek 😜

What is the most underrated makeup line?

ColourPop or NYX, i also have been finding a few awesome products by Hard Candy. πŸ‘

Would you ever create a youtube channel?

I seriously want to! I had originally planned to make a channel before i had made this blog, i had all the equipment except for great lighting so i started doing this as a hobby and it’s just been great fun and it’s going super well, so maybe i should make a channel soon! 😁

What is your favorite tv show?

The Walking Dead, Chopped, Cutthroat Kitchen, The Office.. As of rightnow haha.

Does it take you under/over 15 minutes to get ready in the morning?

About 15 minutes haha 😁

Here are my questions:

Where did you grow up?

What is one trait you wish you had? (Anything: ability toΒ speak in public, different hair, be able to snowboard etc..)

Ideal vacation spot?

Coffee or Tea?

Liquid lipsticks VS. Regular lipsticks?

What is your best characteristic? (honest opinion)

What makeup brand do you own most of?

All time favorite makeup product?

Favorite culture? (Any that you may be intrigued with & why?)

I nominate:

  1. Β 

Next up i was nominated by the adorable & kind teresavee2Β for the One Lovely Blog Award. πŸ’— You should absolutely go look through her blog, it’s great! πŸ‘Œ

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  2. List the rules and display the Award.
  3. Add 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate some other bloggers and comment on one of their recent posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Here are my Facts:

  • I live with my boyfriend and two fuzzy kitties in a wonderful community.Β 
  • When i was in middle school, there were strict rules on no makeup, no dying of hair, no originality of any sorts. “You all are supposed to look the same, to give the school a good name.” After that all hell broke loose, as you would expect, and i dyed my hair every color of the rainbow and wore heavy makeup, false lashes constantly.
  • I was terrified of cats before i got my little angels πŸ˜‡ Friends cats would hiss, scratch or bite me ALWAYS.Β 
  • I am mortified of the thought of being in the ocean if it is deeper than my knees. I almost drowned when i was 9-10. Horrible, horrible experience. I still have reoccuring nightmares of trying to escape giant waves.
  • I am a very good cook & baker! 🍲🍰πŸͺπŸ•πŸ I would consider it another passion of mine.Β 
  • I used to be on a varisty basketball team, i could school anybody at a game of B Ball. Hahaha.Β 
  • I own a long,Β orange snake named Molly πŸ’•

I nominate:


Next up i was nominated for the Leibster Award once again, by the extremely talented, smart & oh so kind at heart Hari, from fiercepaint. πŸ˜πŸ’“ This guy has one of my favorite beauty blogs, please do go give him your love & support and follow!

The Rules:

  1. Once nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the LIEBSTER AWARD sticker in the post too.
  3. Nominate some other bloggers who you think are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on 1 of their posts.
  4. Answer the 10 questions asked to you by the person who nominated you and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
  5. Lastly, copy these rules in the post.

Here are his questions for me:

What is one bad habit you have kicked?

I would always get complaints about how i would give people dirty looks, i’m pretty positive it was just my face hahaha. But i haven’t heard that complaint in a while SOOO..

What is your single most vivid memory as a child?

Being forced to pretend i’m someone i am truly not, being told to act certain ways and believe certain things and shun people who were different, in terms of education. Not my family life.

What are some of your thoughts on social media; answer it in a sentence of no more than 15 words.

It makes people a little crazy haha..

What is your most sentimental and prized tangible possession (please guys don’t pick the obvious, that means no house, car, laptop, phone etc.!)?

My hair πŸ’• I cut it all off when i was younger and regretted it so bad, and now i have long healthy hair i would never cut it again. 😁

What is your idea of an ideal day?

I am a home body.. Haha it would have to be a gloomy day, maybe Β even raining.. Where i can light some sweet smelling candles, pour a cup of coffee, turn off all the noise, clean up the house and get on my laptop & blog πŸ’—

Share one random general fact/trivia you know (from the top of your head) without searching for it from a source of information.

For every human on the earth there are almost 2 million ants. 😯

Who is your favourite FRIENDS character (if you don’t know the show, favourite How I Met Your Mother character). If don’t watch either, what is your favourite series to watch. If you don’t watch any, favourite book.

My favorite book is The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

What is your one current obsession?

Detox waters! πŸ‘ & Trying out different forms of eyeliners.

On to the makeup questions, share one beauty tip/hack fail that you have experienced. If you don’t have one, then just one bad experience you have had with makeup.

I cannot make eyeliner on my inner corner look good. Lol πŸ˜‚

Mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow product (any kind), blusher, lipstick (any kind). Pick one from this list and your reason for picking it.

Mascara because it will liven up your face without any other products. Make you a bit more appealing/feminine in my opinion.

Here are my questions:

What is one thing you would change about yourself? (Physically or mentally)

Are you closer to: mother, father, or siblings?

One ebarassing event you can recall from the top of your head?

Were you popular or an introvert in Highschool?

If you could posses any type of animal as a pet, without any risk of it attacking you, what would you chose?

Fake nails VS. Natural nails?

When did you start blogging? Do you remember any of your first post’s topics?

Milkshakes VS. Sundaes?

Liquid liner or pencil?

How often do you actually wear a full face of makeup? (Excluding any MOTD blog posts)

I nominate:


Now for my super good, super easy detox water recipe! This is SO simple anyone can do it!


You will need:Β 

  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • A Cucumber
  • An Orange
  • Bag of Black Chia Seeds
  • Can of Coconut Water (optional)


Chia is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients without being loaded with calories. Almost all of the carbs in them are actually fiber, and they can actually help you lose weight. They can be added to any type of drink, smoothies, cereal, oats, salads and more. This bag cost me $4.00 and will last me an extremelyΒ long time since you use small amounts.

Β Β 

I started off by throwing in Raspberries, blackberries and thinly sliced orange and cucumber in my pitcher. I used a little less than half the cucumber, and i sliced up half the orange and squeezed the other halfs’ juice into the pitcher.

Β Then i slightly muddled (squished) the ingredients with a long wooden spoon. Crushing up almost all of the rasberries but leaving the other fruits in tact and beautiful.


After that step, it’s time to add your Chia Seeds. I used 2 tablespoons.


Toss them in ontop of your fruit and use your spoon to mix things up. Then put a load of ice ontop your fruit, followed by a can of coco water and regular ice water. Mix mix mix!

It takes overnight for the flavors to hint the water. The next day you will have a lovely, healthy and beautiful drink to fuel your morning! The seeds and ingredients will settle at bottom like so:

That’s normal! All you need to do is stir it up, pour yourself a glass and enjoy πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸŠπŸ‡πŸŽ

I hope you guys enjoyed this terribly long post, please do leave comments & thoughts for me! πŸ’­

